Bulgaria Census 2021 Has Ended – How Many are the Bulgarians?

Today is the last day of visits to physical addresses in the national census. Those who counted electronically will be able to send the code received from the system to a special email opened by the National Statistical Institute.

At the moment, nearly five million and two hundred thousand Bulgarians have been counted, which is just under 75% of the population.

The start of the campaign was accompanied by the blocking of the electronic census due to hacker attacks. Covid-19 made some of the counters quit.

Due to this, the NSI extended the terms of the campaign and opened about 40 census centers - in them the printed and pre-filled questionnaire can be submitted. Employees also help fill it in on the spot.

The NSI reminded that the codes from the electronic census can also be sent to a special e-mail. Until yesterday, 2,500 people did that.

A few days ago, NSI Chairman Sergei Tsvetarski called for activity and recalled that:

"The quality of the data also determines the policies that will be created after that and they will come back to us. This thing should be understood by the whole population, our impression is that it is not so.

The countdown officially ended at 20:00 PM on October 10th 2021. There will be fines only for those who aggressively prevented the census from taking place.

Interim data NSI promises around Christmas.


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