63% of Transactions in Bulgaria are made in Cash

Bulgaria is second in Europe after Romania in the number of cash payments, according to statistics from 'Global Findex'. In our country, 63% of transactions are made with cash, and in our neighbor - over 78%. Although the pandemic was expected to increase the digitalization of money and minimize physical cash and its applicability, data show that consumers in Europe still prefer cash payments.

European countries in which cash transactions are predominant are:

1. Romania

  • Cash transactions: 78%;
  • Percentage of the population without a bank account: 42%;
  • Number of ATMs per 100,000 population: 64

2. Bulgaria

  • Cash transactions: 63%;
  • Percentage of the population without a bank account: 28%;
  • Number of ATMs per 100,000 population: 94

3. The Czech Republic

  • Cash transactions: 44%;
  • Percentage of the population without a bank account: 19%;
  • Number of ATMs per 100,000 population: 58

4. Ukraine

  • Cash transactions: 60%;
  • Percentage of the population without a bank account: 37%;
  • Number of ATMs per 100,000 population: 96

5. Hungary

  • Cash transactions: 45%;
  • Percentage of the population without a bank account: 25%;
  • Number of ATMs per 100,000 population: 61

6. Slovakia

  • Cash transactions: 41%;
  • Percentage of the population without a bank account: 16%;
  • Number of ATMs per 100,000 population: 62

7. Greece

  • Cash transactions: 29%;
  • Percentage of the population without a bank account: 15%;
  • Number of ATMs per 100,000 population: 63

With over 70% and 63% of...

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