The Train from Istanbul to Sofia is Restored from Today

As of today, the movement of the international train traveling between Sofia and Istanbul is restored. This became clear after the management of BDZ (Bulgarian Railways) and the Turkish Railways (TCDD) agreed to start the train again before the start of the summer season.

The international train from Istanbul will depart at 22.00 p.m. on 25.04 and arrive at Sofia Central Station at 09.35 a.m. In the opposite direction from Sofia to Istanbul, the train will depart on schedule at 18.30 p.m. on 26.04 and will reach its final destination Istanbul in 07.00 a.m.

This train will run in sleeping cars and compartment cars, and from June 3rd for the summer season, it is planned to include a direct carriage for travel between Bucharest and Istanbul.

Detailed information can be provided by the employees in all railway offices and stations in the country, on the national information phone 02/931 11 11, or by the electronic guide on the official website of BDZ

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