The Italian Language is a Favorite of many Young Bulgarians

The Italian language continues to be popular in Bulgaria. The language of Giovanni Boccaccio and Dante Alighieri is very popular and loved, especially among young Bulgarians, for whom, in addition to Italian music, it is the language of aesthetics and parts, which they touch when visiting Italy.

In Bulgaria, Italian is taught in four schools in Sofia. And also in the universities - "St. Kliment Ohridski" and New Bulgarian University. Italian courses are organized by the Italian Cultural Institute in our country, as well as by many private schools. It is no coincidence that the basis for the establishment of the Italian Lyceum in Gorna Banya in the 70s are the ideas of the Italian pedagogue, Dr. Maria Montessori, for teaching and education through art and for developing children's talents. Thus, the National Educational Complex of Culture with a lyceum for the study of Italian language and culture with the participation of the Italian Republic is rapidly gaining popularity as one of the best schools in the country.

"Pupils and students, while learning Italian, learn many other languages ​​related to architecture, art, design, fashion, science and innovation. The main reason for this is the Italian state, which has high achievements at the world level" - says Radeya Gesheva, assistant professor in Italian Philology, Department of Romance at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".

At the end of May, the 80th anniversary of the founding of the university course "Italian Philology" at Alma Mater was solemnly celebrated in the Hall of Sofia University:

"It is a great pleasure for us to promote the Italian language, it is a mission" - adds Radeya Gesheva. - "We have incredible cooperation and partnership with the Italian...

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