Prepare for the disintegration of Russia?

As Blitz reports, there is a real possibility that the revealed weaknesses of Vladimir Putin are so serious that they could be the beginning of the end - not only of his regime, but of the Russian Federation itself.
This huge country that includes more than 120 ethnic groups is on unsustainable foundations, the British newspaper writes, adding that its collapse may be gradual at first, but could quickly become a sudden, violent and uncontrollable event. If the West does not prepare for this possibility, just as we did not prepare for the collapse of the Soviet Union, it could introduce enormous instability into world geopolitics.
"Telegraph" lists three factors that could lead to the dissolution of the Federation. The first is the breakdown of domestic confidence in the Russian military, which has traditionally been the core of the Kremlin's legitimacy. Its humiliation in Ukraine is now almost complete, and the proud Black Sea Fleet is still hiding behind the Crimea, too scared to take action against a country that doesn't even have a navy.
Moreover, Russian men massively avoid conscription, knowing what fate awaits them on the battlefield. This has fueled the disproportionate recruitment of ethnic minorities from Chechnya and other regions on the Federation's fringes - the easiest groups to use as cannon fodder - fueling discontent that Moscow will not easily quell. Second, the damage suffered by the Russian economy is too devastating to support a population of 144 million people, writes "Telegraph".
The loss of energy markets, which compensated for the country's lack of modern industry, cannot be reversed. European governments will not rely on Nord Stream 1 again. Russia also relied on arms exports, but which country will now be...

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