As elections loom, narratives scrutinized

The speculation around partnerships between parties against the backdrop of ruling New Democracy's aim to form a single-party government will be the central theme of the long election period that will end on July 2. The first election in May will be conducted with the single proportional system. If this doesn't lead to a government, which is the expected scenario, then s second ballot will take place with the enhanced proportional system that facilitates the formation of a single-party government.

Given its declared goal of a single-party government in the second election, ruling New Democracy will seek to deconstruct the narratives of both leftist opposition SYRIZA and center-left PASOK until the first election, which is expected to take place on May 21 or 28. The questions that will be raised by ND will be which are the parties SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras proposes to form...

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