Bulgaria might File a Claim against Gazprom

"The probability of Gazprom requesting and winning an arbitration case against Bulgaria has been minimized. We are thinking in the direction of filing claims against 'Gazprom'", acting Minister of Energy Rosen Hristov said on the National Television regarding the suspension of natural gas deliveries from Russia in 2022.

"What is happening in other countries regarding the legal case is being carefully monitored and preparations are being made to move in this direction", he said.

According to him, a lot of analysis must be done and a strong position must be built in order to have a chance to win. "Much work is planned with international law firms with a lot of experience in the field, who are currently monitoring and preparing a position for Bulgaria. I believe that within a month or two we will have a prepared position so that we can start arbitration", explained the minister.

He added that it is too early to say what the value of Bulgaria's claim will be.

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