Most businesses fail to survive

Most Greek businesses are extremely short-lived, as 56% of them "die" before completing a decade of life. This proves business ventures in Greece are often done casually, without a plan or sufficient funds, motivated by need and not because the would-be entrepreneurs have identified a real opportunity.

This phenomenon is mainly seen in two of the busiest sectors of Greek entrepreneurship, retail and food service, where 55.16% and 65.83% respectively of businesses that closed were up to 10 years old.

In these two sectors, high closure rates are observed well before the first decade: In food service, 42.71% of businesses close after five years of existence at the most, with 3.68% closing within 12 months. In retail trade 1,540 new businesses, or 5.73% close within a year, while a total of 34.19% only complete up to five years.

According to General Commercial...

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