Council of Europe expresses concern over rise in threats and pressure against journalists in Europe

People read the headlines on newspapers arrayed outside a kiosk in Athens, in a file photo. When reading about the woes of others, we should consider how many tragic stories thirst for vindication here in Greece. [Reuters]

"Threats and intimidation, detention of journalists, restrictive legislation, lawsuits or lawsuits filed by a powerful person or organization against persons not belonging to governments and attacks on public media."

The Council of Europe's Safety of Journalists Platform has reported a growing diversity of threats, pressure and constraints under which journalists must carry out their mission in 2023 across Europe.

According to the 2024 annual report published on Tuesday, the main issues affecting press freedom in Europe are threats and intimidation, detention of journalists, restrictive legislation, SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation), i.e. abusive lawsuits, media capture , and attacks on public service media.

The CoE report assesses the main threats to media freedom in Europe (in Council of Europe member states as well as Russia, following...

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