Serbian gov't tables All-Serbian Assembly declaration to parliament

BELGRADE - The Serbian government adopted on Thursday a decision on adopting a Declaration on Protection of National and Political Rights and the Joint Future of Serbs, tabling it to the parliament for adoption.

The document will also be offered to the Republika Srpska National Assembly for adoption to ensure its full implementation in the Republic of Serbia and Republika Srpska, the Serbian government said in a statement.

The declaration, adopted by the governments of Serbia and Republika Srpska at a June 8 All-Serbian Assembly in Belgrade, was passed by the Republika Srpska National Assembly on July 2 with a two-third majority.

FOTO TANJUG/Vlada Republike Srbije/ Slobodan Miljević

FOTO TANJUG/Vlada Republike Srbije/ Slobodan Miljević

FOTO TANJUG/Vlada Republike Srbije/ Slobodan Miljević

FOTO TANJUG/Vlada Republike Srbije/ Slobodan...

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