Syria: Fear for the fate of Greeks living in the country – “Closed in their homes”


Dramatic developments in Syria have thrown the country into a state of utter chaos as jihadists have taken over almost all major cities. Fighting continues with unabated intensity, while fear and uncertainty prevail, with thousands of civilians trapped in the maelstrom of war.

The Greek-Levantine community in Syria is facing an unprecedented crisis along with many Greeks, who have lived and worked in the country for decades, have been isolated in their homes, following the instructions of the Patriarchate of Antioch and the Greek Embassy. The authorities have advised them to avoid any movement and stay in safe places as the situation on the roads is extremely dangerous.

They are living in suspense and have cut off all communication, even through social media, so as not to expose their position or draw attention. Despite the slim possibility of evacuation, most say they are determined to remain in the country anyway, believing that leaving their homes and communities is more dangerous than staying.

Testimony of a Greek Syrian: “They live locked in their homes”
D.K., a Greek-Syrian who lives in Greece and has relatives in Allepo, describes the situation in the darkest terms:

“All my relatives and other Greeks in Aleppo are confined to their homes. They are not communicating with anyone, not even with each other. They are living in a state of absolute fear, waiting for developments. The situation is dramatic and we don’t know what will dawn,” he says.

His testimony reveals the harsh reality experienced by the Greek community, which has been cut off from the rest of the world and is watching the situation unfold with horror.

The Patriarchate of Antioch is in constant contact with the Greeks of Syria, providing guidance and support where possible. However, limited coordination capabilities, due to the danger in conflict areas, make the community protection effort difficult.

The Greek Embassy is closely monitoring developments and has already drawn up contingency plans in case the situation deteriorates further. The anxiety for Syrian Greeks remains at its peak. The families of those that have relatives in Greece are trying to contact them, often without success.

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