Kimberly and the death of the ‘woke agenda’

Anyone who was worried that the "woke agenda" was gaining too strong a footing in Greece can breathe a sigh of relief. US President-elect Donald Trump has made sure to eradicate the threat by appointing as his ambassador to Athens a woman who is bound to stir even the most repressed sexist passions of the Greeks. It took less than a day from the announcement that Trump's almost-daughter-in-law Kimberly Guilfoyle would be the United States' next ambassador to Greece before the misogyny of a bygone century came roaring back into Greek public discourse with a vengeance.

I'm not saying that Guilfoyle is an appropriate choice. But her impending appointment is consistent with Greece's diplomatic relegation these past three years. The US establishment - and on both sides of the aisle, too - has been treating the country like a prize for generous donors and presidential cronies, a...

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