
Province of Cremona

The piano with four feet on Antalya streets

Il Grande Piano, known as 'piano magicians' in the world, will be on the streets of Antalya this weekend as part of the 23rd International Antalya Piano Festival's city events.

The 23rd International Antalya Piano Festival's city events continue with spectacular performances. Next will be the "piano magicians" Il Grande Piano with their performances on Dec. 9 and 10.

Safety before sex (prostitutes wear reflective jackets-pics)

The sexy outfits worn by the ladies in the outdoors ‘prostitution industry’, or lack therieof, is their selling point to potential customers. Unfortunately for the women, this might be about to change on a main road in Milan, Italy. The girls will be compelled to swap their clothes for reflective protection jackets and trousers, or face a 500 Euro fine.

Tourists destroy priceless Italian monument while trying to take a selfie

Cremona, Italy, suffered a huge cultural loss recently, through the sheer stupidity of two tourists who tried to take a selfie.


The huge marble crown of the “Two Hercules statue” smashed into pieces when two visitors tried to climb on it and take a selfie.