European Crisis Management

Speaker advocates accelerating enlargement process in Brussels

Brussels – National Assembly Speaker Igor Zorčič said Slovenia would seek to accelerate the enlargement process during its EU presidency as he took part in the summit between the European Parliament and parliamentary speakers from the Western Balkans in Brussels on Monday, which noted the role of parliaments in the enlargement process.

Lenarčič says need for cooperation main lesson of pandemic

Ljubljana – European Crisis Management Commissioner Janez Lenarčič noted in an online debate on the EU’s preparedness for natural disasters that the main lesson of the Covid-19 pandemic has been that it is better to cooperate, even in matters that are clearly in the jurisdiction of member states.

Lenarčič urges Slovenia to make best use of recovery funds

Ljubljana – European Crisis Management Commissioner Janez Lenarčič urged Slovenia in a videoconference presenting his priorities in 2021 to the parliamentary EU Affairs Committee to make the best use of the funds available as part of the EU mechanism for recovery and resilience.