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Investors being presented Slovenia’s debut sustainability bond

Ljubljana – Slovenia is presenting the framework for its first sustainability bond to investors in a global call on Monday, to be followed by one-on-one calls with interested investors on Tuesday, the Finance Ministry has announced. The issue will depend on the market situation.

Hungary’s OTP bank signs deal to acquire NKBM bank

Ljubljana – The Hungarian OTP Bank Group announced on Monday it had signed a contract to acquire the outright stake in NKBM, Slovenia’s second largest bank. The deal is expected to be finalised in the second quarter of next year as the acquirer is waiting approval from relevant regulatory authorities.

Report: OTP in talks to take over NKBM for EUR 1bn

Ljubljana – The Hungarian bank OTP is in talks with the private equity fund Apollo to take over Slovenia’s NKBM bank in a deal worth nearly EUR 1 billion, the press agency Reuters has reported, citing sources close to the matter. Both NKBM and Apollo, which owns 80% of the bank, declined to comment.

Slovenia takes out EUR 2 billion in fresh debt

Ljubljana – Slovenia issued on Tuesday a new 10-year bond of EUR 1.75 billion and extended the existing 30-year bond issue by another EUR 250 million. This is the first time it issued a bond with a negative yield to maturity. “For the first time in its history Slovenia issued today a long-term bond with a negative yield to maturity,” the Finance Ministry said.

Govt planning fresh borrowing

Ljubljana – The Finance Ministry has commissioned several international banks to manage a new, 10-year bond with maturity in 2031 and increase a 30-year bond issue due in 2050 in the near future, depending on the situation on financial markets.