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The identity of a mature Turkey

Istanbul became the junction point on international waterways in the 19th century. Before anything else, the Suez Canal had drawn a portion of the heavy traffic in the northeast Atlantic to this region. Other than that, Russia and the Danube basin's entry to the Mediterranean traffic also created an effect.  

Photographer nabbed shooting fake images of 'Aleppo suffering' in Egypt

BELGRADE - It was destined to be an iconic image: a small girl holding a teddy bear in a white dress marked by blood splotches with the ruins of Aleppo behind her. However, it was also a set-up, shot hundreds of miles away in a different country, with help of a posing child and some paint.

'Statue of Liberty was a Muslim'

The Statue of Liberty was originally designed to be a Muslim woman, the Smithsonian Institution's magazine has claimed.

An article on the government-administered museum's blog, Smart News, claims one of the designers of Lady Liberty drew inspiration from monuments in Egypt and originally intended to construct a veiled female peasant on the Suez Canal.
