

UN General Assembly votes overwhelmingly to demand a humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza

The UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to demand a humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza in a strong demonstration of global support for ending the Israel-Hamas war. The vote also showed the growing isolation of the United States and Israel.

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A total of 153 countries called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza in a vote at the UN General Assembly.

The resolution demanding an end to hostilities by Israel and the Islamist movement "Hamas" is non-binding. It follows a Security Council vote under a procedure set in motion by the UN secretary-general, in which such a ceasefire text was blocked by the United States.

Pipinis – Greece-Latin America flyover is an important step in attracting tourists

Greece is aiming for an unexplored and very interesting tourist market, that of Latin America, with the government promoting a plan for the creation of a "bridge", in order to increase the flows of Latin American tourists to our country in the coming years.
