ANO party

Democracy Digest: Roma Killed by Ukrainian Refugee Confuses Czech Far-Right

And the confusion doesn't stop there. As war, inflation and migration helps to expand competition on the far reaches of the political spectrum, the more established radical-right players are circling the wagons. On Wednesday, the SPD - Czechia's only far-right parliamentary party - signed a memorandum of cooperation with the non-parliamentary Trikolora.

Czech Pirates Under Attack

Bartos doesn't speak like a politician either. While most are wary of saying the wrong thing, he talks ten to the dozen, linking from one topic to another endlessly, venturing into all sorts of areas. At the end of the interview, he asks that the swear words he let slip during these enthused passages be left out.

From Passive Tolerance to Acceptance: Czech Activists Fight to Bring LGBT Rights Out of Closet

"It's absurd," Horakova lamented. "The bill for the legalisation of same-sex marriage is becoming known as 'one of the oldest bills' in parliament. Legislators have a duty to vote on any law submitted to them, not sweep it under the carpet."

Social Democracy: What’s Left in Central Europe?

SMER-SD gave way to a four-party, mostly right-wing coalition led by populist Ivo Matovic's OLANO, which more than doubled its vote from 11 per cent to 25 per cent — well ahead of SMER-SD's 18 per cent — with a vague programme almost entirely devoted to dismantling what Matovic claims is a system of corruption built by former premier Robert Fico. 

Czech Prime Minister Digs In as Street Protests Swell

Trump maintains the support of the religious right and conservatives despite allegations of sexual harassment and adultery. Babis launched his ANO party in 2011 appealing to popular anger over a political system rife with corruption, but persistent accusations of fraud and graft have not dented support.

‘Anti-System’ Centrists Win Czech Hearts and Minds

Mainstream pro-EU parties on the centre-left and centre-right took a battering in Czech elections for the European Parliament but the main beneficiaries were "anti-system" centrist parties rather than the far right.

Prime Minister Andrej Babis' ruling ANO party came top, gaining two seats for a total of six of the country's 21 seats and 21.18% of the vote.
