Cabinet Office

Japan slips to the world's fourth-largest economy

Japan has slipped to the world's fourth-largest economy, as government data released Thursday showed it fell behind Germany's in 2023.

The numbers highlight how the Japanese economy has gradually lost its competitiveness and productivity while the population shrinks as Japanese people age and have fewer children, analysts say.

Janša attends launch of initiative to reduce methane emission

Glasgow – Prime Minister Janez Janša took part in Glasgow on Tuesday in the launch of an initiative to reduce methane emissions by 30% by 2030, proposed by the US and EU, the prime minister’s office said, noting that Slovenia was among the supporters of the initiative.

Vaccination Certificates Create Risk of Two-Tier Society, Indirect Discrimination – UK Human Right Commission

Covid-status certificates being considered by ministers to help open up society could amount to unlawful indirect discrimination, the government's independent equalities watchdog has advised.

Accusations from Great Britain: China has concealed coronavirus data

UK Minister Michael Gove has accused China of concealing real data regarding the spread of coronavirus, Sputnik reports.
"The first case of the virus was registered in China in December last year, but reports from China were incomplete even then, with no clear indication of the origin and how contagious it was", Gove said.
