Executive Board

Bulgaria elected member of Executive Council of the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

At its annual conference the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) unanimously elected Bulgaria as a member of its Executive Council for the period 2019-2021, the press center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced, quoted by the Bulgarian National Radio. 

Central bank lowers key policy rate to 3.25 percent

In making that decision, the Executive Board was primarily guided by the inflation projection and inflation factors in the coming period, the NBS said in a press release.

In accordance with the NBS expectations, inflation in February was lowered to 1.5 percent year-on-year, primarily on account of the high base from the prices of products that underwent one-off hikes early in 2017.

The IMF Insists: Accelerate the Raise of Wages!

Bulgaria should work for a more rapid increase in income. This is one of the conclusions of the Executive Board of the IMF.

Fund experts underline that incomes in Bulgaria are still half the EU average. They predict that the worsened demographic situation of our country can lead to serious risks to the entire fiscal system in the medium and long term.

IMF successfully completes 8th review of Serbia's SBA

The National Bank of Serbia (NBS) announced this, noting that during the arrangement that will expire on February 22, 2018, Serbia did not use the available funds.

In its meeting the Executive Board assessed that Serbia has made significant progress under the agreed economic program, the NBS announced in a statement.
