Izetbegovic: Croats in Bosnia can't have entity without war

Bakir Izetbegovic says that Croats in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) "cannot get (their separate) third entity in BiH without conflict and war."

After the 1992-95 war, the country is made up of the Serb Republic (RS), the Serb entity, and the Muslim-Croat Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina (FBiH).

Izetbegovic: Bosnian Croat Entity 'Impossible Without War'

Bakir Izetbegovic, the Bosniak member of the Bosnian tripartite presidency, warned on Sunday that Croats "cannot get a third entity in Bosnia without a war".

His reaction came after a Bosnian Croat declaration last week which lent support to Croats' campaign to have an entity of their own in Bosnia, in addition to the Serb-dominated Republika Srpska and the Bosniak-Croat Federation.

Croats in Bosnia warned they can't have entity "without war"

After the 1992-95 war, the country is made up of the Serb Republic (RS), the Serb entity, and the Muslim-Croat Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina (FBiH).

"About 60 percent of Croats live mixed with Bosniaks in BiH," said Izetbegovic, who is the Bosniak (Muslim) representative in the tripartite BiH Presidency.

Haradinaj: Kosovo is stable

The murder of Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic is a terrible event - a tragedy, says Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj.

He also told Croatia's state broadcaster HRT that Kosovo is stable, N1 reported.

"This terrorist act will not have any effect on the negotiating process between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels," he said.

New Croatian President Grabar Kitarovic Inaugurated

Grabar Kitarovic urged Croatians to unite to solve the country's problems as she was inaugurated on Sunday at a ceremony on St Mark's Square in Zagreb's old town.

"There is nothing we cannot achieve when we are united. I believe in you, my country Croatia," she said in her speech at the inauguration.