Greece needs to attract more talent

Greece's failure to attract talent has seen it slip to 47th position among 132 countries, below Poland, Azerbaijan and the Philippines, in the latest Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI) readings.

Switzerland is at the top spot of the chart compiled every year by INSEAD in cooperation with the Adecco Group and Google, followed by the US and Singapore.

Danica Purg receives a National Order of the Legion of Honour from the French ambassador

With this prestigious award, the Republic of France expressed its gratitude and respect for Prof. Purg's dedication and support in strengthening bilateral relations among France and Slovenia, especially in the field of management education.

Instead of thinking the world is there to sell, think the world is there to create!

José Santos is an Affiliated Professor of Practice in Global Management at INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France, who centres his research and teaching on the general management of multinationals, with a particular focus on global integration and global innovation.