Ministry of Education

More than 5.000 newly infected

23 people died.
There are 121 patients on respirators.
In Serbia, the epidemiological situation is deteriorating, and doctors warn that citizens should take the delta strain seriously because it has been shown to leave lasting consequences and that the disease can be prolonged.

"If masks are not mandatory, we are not responsible for the health of students"

But, according to the CDM portal, the Ministry of Education cannot exclude from school any child who does not wear a mask due to their legal right to education.
Although the Institute of Public Health recommended that masks be mandatory - this was not accepted.

CNE: 74.5pct of students believe online school lacks in quality compared to face to face courses

A consultation conducted by the National Student Council (CNE) among over 11,000 respondents shows that for 74.5pct of them online school lacks in quality compared to face to face courses. According to a CNE press release, the results of the consultations, but also a report with proposals and recommendations will be used in the dialogue with the Ministry of Education.

MAE: Consultations in Bucharest with leaders of Romanian minority in Ukraine on mother-tongue education

 A representative delegation of the leaders of the Romanian minority in Ukraine had a round of consultations, on Thursday, in Bucharest, with the Secretary of State for Strategic Affairs, Dan Neculaescu, at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE).

EduMin Cimpeanu: 60% of education staff is already vaccinated against COVID

The Minister of Education, Sorin Cimpeanu, declared on Friday, during a press conference, that 60% of the staff in the educational system is vaccinated against COVID with one or two doses. "I will allow myself to be optimistic with the way Romania is prepared to face a potential fourth wave.

Cimpeanu says ministry will promote 'Education for life' subject to include sex education module

Minister of Education Sorin Cimpeanu informs that the ministry assumes the promotion of the compulsory discipline Education for life, which will include several modules, among which: sex education, civic education, health education, healthy eating education, road safety education or first aid education.
