National Aeronautics and Space Administration

The Hole In The Ozone Layer Is The Smallest It has Been In Almost 30 Years (Video)

The hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica is the smallest since 1988, NASA reported, quoted by Associated Press.

The huge hole in the protective ozone layer reached its peak in September. This year it is 19.6 million km. After mid-September, the ozone hole began to shrink.

Conspiracy theorists think a planet is going to kill us all – again!

As The Smiths once said “Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before.”

Conspiracy theorists are once again convinced that the world is going to end in the next few weeks.

It was supposed to happen in September, and then again at the start of October.

Obviously we are all still here – so those predictions clearly didn’t come to fruition.

Mysterious "Planet 9"

The furore surrounding the solar system's theoretical 'Planet 9' reached new heights after a University of Michigan researcher discovered evidence that may shed light on the existence of the elusive world beyond Neptune.

“Unprecedented Discovery”: ESO scientists unveil science-changing phenomenon about Gravitational Waves! (VIDEO)

Last week, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) teased news of an “unprecedented discovery.” Now, the organization has revealed that, for the first time ever, astronomers have observed both gravitational waves and light produced by the same event.

Surprise! NASA has confirmed that Earth has a new Moon!

Earth’s been hiding a little secret from its partner, the moon. Turns out the Earth has had a “mini-moon” on the side for over a century, and even though the relationship has been exposed, the partnership is likely to continue for centuries to come. This newly discovered moon is smaller than our moon and goes around the Earth astonishingly irregularly, but still, two is quite better than one.

Sleeping supervolcano under America ‘could erupt more quickly than we thought’

The Yellowstone supervolcano under America could erupt with terrifying power – expelling up to 250 cubic miles of volcanic rock and ash at once.

The eruption could blanket large areas of America in ash – and possibly plunge Earth into a ‘volcanic winter’.
