Permanent Electoral Authority

18,911,098 citizens holding right to vote enrolled in Electoral Registry on May 31

The total number of citizens that hold the right to vote enrolled in the Electoral Registry until May 31 was of 18,911,098, informs, on Wednesday, the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP). According to a release of the AEP sent to AGERPRES, there are 5,366 fewer voters compared to the last public information bulletin issued by the Permanent Electoral Authority on April 30.

AEP: Questionnaire sent to heads of polling stations indicates good organization of 2020 parliamentary elections abroad

The Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) informed on Monday that the poll conducted among the presidents of the polling stations abroad and their deputies reveals a majority opinion according to which the organization and conduct manner of the 2020 parliamentary elections abroad was "very good".

ParliamentaryElections2020/ More than 264,000 Romanians abroad turn out to vote until 23:00 hrs

More than 264,000 Romanian citizens had voted abroad in the general election until Sunday as of 23:00 hrs, Romania's time, with 21,329 of these votes being cast by mail, the Permanent Electoral Authority announced on its website. In Spain, the country with one of the largest Romanian communities abroad, 140 polling stations were organized, in which more than 33,000 people cast their ballots.

ParliamentaryElections2020/ More than 262,000 Romanians abroad turn out to vote until 22:00 hrs

More than 262,000 Romanian citizens had voted abroad in the general election until Sunday as of 22:00 hrs, Romania's time, with 21,329 of these votes being cast by mail, the Permanent Electoral Authority announced on its website. In Spain, the country with one of the largest Romanian communities abroad, 140 polling stations were organized, in which more than 33,000 people cast their ballots.

ParliamentaryElection2020/ More than 256,000 Romanians abroad turned out to vote so far

More than 256,000 Romanians had voted abroad in the general election until Sunday as of 21:00 hrs, with 21,329 of these votes being cast by mail, the Permanent Electoral Authority announced on its website. In Spain, the country with one of the largest Romanian communities abroad, 140 polling stations were organized, in which more than 32,000 people cast their ballots.

ParliamentaryElections2020/ Romanians in London, advised to avoid crowding Stratford area and use alternative polling stations

The Romanian Embassy in London launched, on Sunday, on its Facebook page, an appeal to Romanian citizens in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to use the polling stations which are less crowded and to avoid crowding the Stratford area of London and potential fines by the British authorities.

ParliamentaryElection2020/ Ciolacu: I ask for urgent dismissal of head of Posta Romana

The President of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, calls for the urgent dismissal of the head of the Posta Romana (Romanian Post). "I call for the urgent dismissal of the Posta Romana head who has not been able to organize circuits so that the decisions made by the electoral authorities are respected," the social democrat leader wrote on his Facebook page on Saturday evening.

ParliamentaryElection2020/ Central Electoral Bureau requests Posta Romana for details on votes by mail

The Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) requested, at Saturday's sitting, the Romanian Post - Posta Romana - SA National Company for more information on the vote expressed by correspondence in the parliamentary election by Romanians in the Diaspora.

ParliamentaryElections2020/ForMin Aurescu: It's important Romanians in the diaspora vote in both days

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu on Friday sent a message to the Romanians in the diaspora reminding them that they have two days at their disposal to vote in the parliamentary elections so that to avoid crowding.
