Republika Srpska government

Bosnian Serb PM Meets Trump's 'Alt-Right' Former Strategist

Steve Bannon, US President Donald Trump's former chief strategist who now says he wants to help right-wing populists come to power in Europe, hosted the nationalist prime minister of Bosnia's mainly Serb entity at his Washington home on Sunday, the Republika Srpska government said in a statement.

Bosnian Serb Entity Bans State Symbols From Exercise

Media in Bosnia reported on Wednesday that the government of Bosnia's mainly Serbian entity, Republika Srpska, has approved the participation of the entity's Civil Protection staff in an disaster-emergency exercise in Serbia - but they will not be allowed to display Bosnian flags or state symbols.

Bosnian Serb Soldiers Make 'Suicide' Threat in Retirement Row

Demobilised soldiers who say they have been denied early retirement by the Republika Srpska authorities have vowed to protest outside the entity's National Assembly and claimed they were willing to commit suicide if the government doesn't grant them early retirement and pensions or reinstatement into military service.

Bosnian Serbs Make Concession on Disputed Holiday

After hours of heated debate, the Republika Srpska National Assembly passed a law on Tuesday declaring that the disputed Day of Republika Srpska will continue to be held on January 9 - the day on which the entity was founded in 1992 - but that it will be a secular event.

Observing the holiday will also not be mandatory for non-Serbs living in the entity.

Bosnian Serbs Halt Cooperation with State Police, Court

The Republika Srpska government said on Thursday that it has halted all cooperation with the State Investigation and Protection Agency and the state prosecution after they arrested five Bosnian Serbs for alleged war crimes in Bosanski Novi and searched official buildings in the Republika Srpska town for evidence.
