United States European Command

2,000 Syrian rebels to be trained in Turkey

US and Turkish military officials meet to hash out plans to train and arm 2,000 moderate Syrian rebels in Central Anatolia Military officials from the United States and Turkey have met at the Turkish General Staff’s headquarters in Ankara for a third time to discuss equipping and training moderate Syrian rebels, and agreed on using the Hirfanlı military training center in Kırşehir for the

New U.S. flood relief for Serbia

BELGRADE - The United States government has so far provided and approved flood disaster relief funds for Serbia totaling USD 2,060,000, the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade announced.

The USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) approved USD 1.8 million to be disbursed over the next four months as humanitarian aid to 27 flood-affected municipalities in Serbia.

USA to continue funding Serbian police

BELGRADE- Douglass Madden, the new director of the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) of the U.S. Department of Justice, met with the officials of the Serbian Interior Ministry (MUP) on Monday and announced financial support to new projects aimed at education and training of members of the Serbian police.
