Dositej Obradovic

Serbia guest of honour at International Book Fair in Tehran

Minister of Culture and Media Vladan Vukosavljevic will speak at the opening of the Fair on 1 May, while "Days of Serbia" and the stand of the Republic of Serbia will be officially opened on May 2, the government announced on Friday.

Books by Milos Crnjanski, Ivo Andric, Mesa Selimovic, Danilo Kis, Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic, Dositej Obradovic and others authors will be presented.

University of Belgrade marks 208th anniversary

BELGRADE - The University of Belgrade on Tuesday marked 208 years since the start of lectures at its predecessor, the Belgrade Higher School.

"We mark 208 years since Dositej Obradovic opened the Higher School, which marked the beginning of higher education in Serbia," University of Belgrade Rector Vladimir Bumbasirevic said at the anniversary ceremony.

Freemasonry in Serbia 1785-2014 exhibition opens in Belgrade

BELGRADE - The Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, in cooperation with the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia (RVLS), has put on an exhibition Freemasonry in Serbia 1785-2014, staged to mark the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Grand Lodge of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians "Yugoslavia " (in 1919).

Serbia has to preserve its heritage

BELGRADE - The National Library of Serbia has celebrated its 182nd anniversary on Friday, which also marks the National Book Day.

The ceremony was attended by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic, who pointed to the institution's fundamental role in the preservation of the national identity, language and culture.