
Hagia Sophia’s new cat missing: Official

A beloved Angora cat named "Kılıç," who resided at the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul since the opening of the marvel to Islamic worship last year, has gone missing, according to an official.

"Kılıç," which means "Sword" in English, was brought from the capital Ankara to befriend Gli, another feline living in the historic site for the last 16 years.

Four former Turkish generals jailed for 1997 'postmodern' coup

Fourteen retired generals were handed life sentences for their involvement in the forced resignation of the democratically elected government in early 1997, often called "postmodern coup," while seven of them, including former 1st Army Commander Gen. Çetin Doğan and former deputy Chief of General Staff Gen. Çevik Bir, were jailed on late Aug. 19.

