
Less than 10,000 teaching staff get immunised against COVID-19

Chairman of the National COVID-19 Vaccination Activities Committee (CNCAV) Valeriu Gheorgita said on Tuesday that less than 10,000 teaching staff have so far been immunised. "I think there were about 7,000 people, as far as I know. I am not able to give you the data from yesterday [Monday], but we are talking about less than 10,000 teaching staff vaccinated.

UPDATE Iohannis: It seems that over 80% of healthcare workers want to be vaccinated against COVID-19

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that the intention to get vaccinated against the novel coronavirus exists "to a very high degree" among Romania's healthcare workers. "It is very, very important to know that these types of vaccines that are now being approved are safe; they are effective; they measure up to the highest European standards, and that is very important news for Romanians.