Gregoriana-Carmen Tudoran

#EuropeanParliamentElections2019/ Electoral campaign at an end

Bucharest, May 25 /Agerpres/ - The electoral campaign for the European Parliament elections ended on Saturday at 7.00 hrs. For thirty days, the parties that entered the race for a spot in the European Parliament, but also some independent candidates tried to convince the electorate that they are worthy to represent Romania in Brussels.

#Europeanelections2019/ PSD tops ballot paper, followed by USR PLUS alliance, Pro Romania

The Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) decided on Wednesday by drawing lots the order of the parties on the ballot paper in the May 26 elections to the European Parliament, with majority party Social Democratic Party (PSD), the opposition 2020 alliance of Save Romania Union (USR) and PLUS, and the Pro Romania Party on the top three spots.