Heather D. Gibson

Greece goes bust… and then comes Euclid Tsakalotos!

Euclid Tsakalotos steps in to pick up the pieces of Greece’s tattered negotiations. He is the polar opposite to Varoufakis, the man who stuck up the middle finger at Berlin, came to blows with the Eurogroup Chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem in a Brussels corridor and managed to join the Eurozone together against Greece.

Euclid Tsakalotos: Bye bye creative vagueness, hello method and detail!

Euclid Tsakalotos, the Oxford-educated economist was born in the Netherlands in 1960, and is soft-spoken and amiable and speaks Greek tinged with a faint British accent. Simple and professional, the new face of the Greek economy will be less about fashion style and more about method, organization and detail.