Kadri Veseli

Prospect of Haradinaj Running Kosovo Divides Serbia

The decision by Kosovo Serb party Srpska Lista(Serbian List) to back the election of Kadri Veseli, from the Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, as the new parliamentary speaker on Thursday has drawn fiercely divided reactions in Serbia, where rightists accused it - and Belgrade - of surrendering to a war criminal.

Kosovo Assembly Ends Deadlock by Electing Speaker

Kosovo's parliament finally elected Kadri Veseli as its new speaker on Thursday, one day after leaders of the new PAN government coalition - Veseli of the PDK, Ramush Haradinaj of the AAK, Fatmir Limaj of NISMA and Behgjet Pacolli of the AKR - reached an agreement with the main Kosovo Serb party, Lista Srpska.
