Kemal AtatÃ

Turkish cannot go back to Arabic script

“We had a language which was very suitable for science; yet we slept over it one night and the next morning it was gone. Now we have been dragged down to the level of a country which learns and teaches science in foreign languages. Thousands of words and languages are forgotten. The structure of the language, which used to be suitable for deriving new words and expressions, was curbed.”

Farewell to an old communist

I have been to Rasih Nuri İleri’s home a couple of times.

He would talk about even the harshest memories in a soft style. His house was like a museum, even though this is used too much as a cliché, but this is the only way to describe his house.

The meaningless Ottoman Turkish debate

Turkey’s post-modern civil war continues to produce confusion on the conceptual level. The latest example is the meaningless debate about Ottoman Turkish in high schools. It is currently taught as an optional lesson, but here was a discussion during last week’s National Educational Council to make it compulsory.

Istanbul’s Catholic community awaits Pope Francis’ visit

Catholic clergy gathered in central Istanbul on Nov. 24 ahead of Pope Francis’ scheduled visit to Turkey this week.

Speaking at the gathering Istanbul Latin Catholic Church Bishop Monsignor Louis Pelatre stated that the pope's Nov. 28-30 visit will only include the cities of Ankara and Istanbul and he would not be visiting Ä°zmir, as previously reported.
