Milivoj Petkovic

Bosnian Croat Ex-Leader’s Jail Letter Expresses Regret for Crimes

Milivoj Petkovic has written a letter to the president of the UN's Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals in The Hague from prison in Belgium saying that he accepts his 20-year sentence and expresses regret for the crimes committed against Bosniaks during the war.

Milivoj Petkovic’s Defence Lawyers Seek his Early Release

Two defence lawyers for Milivoj Petkovic, Vesna Alaburic and Davor Lazic, in a motion filed with the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals, MICT, have said that according to information from the United Nations' Detention Unit, in February 2021 the conditions would be met to consider Petkovic's early release.

ICTY confirms Croatia's joint criminal enterprise

THE HAGUE - The ICTY on Wednesday upheld the sentences for all six former senior officials of the so-called Croatian Republic of Herceg-Bosna and the Croatian Defence Council accused in the Prlic et al. case, handing them a total of 111 years in prison for their participation in a joint criminal enterprise led by the then leadership of Croatia.