Niki Kerameos

Postal voting for European elections and referenda

Interior Minister Niki Kerameos and Deputy Minister Theodoris Livanios gave further details at a press conference on Thursday on the introduction of postal voting to the European elections.

The minister clarified that the postal voting bill does not currently concern the general elections, but only European elections and referenda.

No talk of closure or mandatory masks for Greek schools

There is no possibility of closing schools due to the outbreak of coronavirus cases and viruses, as clarified by the Minister of Education, Niki Kerameos.

Regarding the possibility of a return of the mandatory mask, the minister ruled it out.

At the same time, she again referred to the issue of teacher hirings.

An end to the debate about school shut downs and masks

New poll: 51% say election results positive, 63% say tax cuts top priority

Just over 50 percent of respondents were positive or "probably positive" about the outcome of the 7 July general election that swept New Democracy to power while 46 percent were negative or "probably negative" according to a Kappa Research poll conducted between 9-11 July
