
The last warning fell flat; If Ukraine falls, American troops will fight the Russians

"Congress must approve additional funds for Ukraine before members go on vacation. It's simple," said U.S. President Joseph Biden.
By refusing to do so, Biden added, Congress is willing to give Putin the biggest gift he could hope for.
Biden recalled Russia's war crimes in Ukraine, from the abduction of children to the destruction of civilian infrastructure.

Putin fired a test shot; Who is the next target?

It is a statement Putin made during the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights organized by the Kremlin, which focused on Latvia's policy regarding the Russian-speaking minority.
Newsweek states that Latvia is one of three NATO and European Union members that share a border with mainland Russia.

The battle for Serbia's soul on walls of Belgrade

A visible pulse to the feelings on the street, the murals are everywhere in Belgrade in upmarket neighborhoods, on the side of the motorways, and stenciled onto concrete apartment blocks.

A rough - and highly contested - history of modern Serbia is written out in murals and slogans on the walls of its capital Belgrade.
