
Serbian State Security ‘Didn’t Take Volunteer Fighters to Bosnia’

Petar Djukic, a former high-ranking Serb police officer in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, told the retrial of Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic at the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals in The Hague on Tuesday and Wednesday that military volunteers who came to Bosanski Samac in Bosnia in April 1992 were brought by political parties and not by Serbian State Security, SDB.

Separatism virus in Europe: Yugoslavia, Crimea, Catalonia, …

The Catalan government has announced 90.9 percent of citizens who voted in Sunday's referendum on independence circled the option "yes."

The referendum, which is not recognized by Madrid, was marked by unrest.

Separatism in Europe traces its roots back to the 1990s. It started in Slovenia in 1991.

Individual public tenders for 502 enterprises in December

BELGRADE - The individual public tender calls for the privatisation of 502 enterprises can be expected some time in December since the collective tender was called on August 15, and the first privatisations should be realised in January, acting director of the Privatisation Agency Marijana Radovanovic said on Monday.