Ratko Mladic

Croatian President Defends Bosnian Croat War Crime Convicts

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic on Tuesday defended his decision to receive in his office former Croatian Defence Council, HVO officers, including Tihomir Blaskic, who served a prison sentence for his role in crimes committed during the Bosnian war after being convicted by the UN court in The Hague.

Serb Chetniks’ Links to War Criminals and Extremists Uncovered

But even though inter-ethnic relations remain highly sensitive, members of Chetnik associations from Bosnia and Serbia who participate in these events did not face any consequences for staging their rowdy celebrations and singing nationalist songs that seem to threaten bloodshed until last year.

Srebrenica Film Tells a Mother’s Story about Surviving Genocide

It strikes a balance between authenticity - the film largely presents court-established facts about the Srebrenica genocide - and the artistic need to send a strong message. Zbanic uses characters that are based on real people, like Ratko Mladic, or UN commanders Thomas Karremans and Robert Franken, but creates others to represent the fate of the thousands of Bosniaks who suffered.
