
Accomplices to Crime? North Macedonia’s Domestic Violence Victims Feel Betrayed by Institutions

Almost half of the victims said they reported the violence they suffered to the police. Of the 27 women who shared their experiences in the questionnaire, 44 per cent said the instructions they received from competent institutions after reporting were unclear. A larger percentage of respondents, over 56 per cent, complained about the Centres for Social Work.

Report shows alarming rise in domestic violence in Cyprus

The Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (SPAVO) in Cyprus has released data revealing a concerning surge in domestic and partner violence incidents in 2022. Throughout the year, SPAVO's services dealt with a total of 3,122 cases, marking a steady escalation compared to 2,854 incidents in 2021, 2,147 in 2020, and 1,384 in 2019.

Share Your Experience: School Violence in South Eastern Europe

According to UNESCO, school violence is a major problem. Its report, Behind the numbers: ending school violence and bullying, published in 2019, shows that more than one in three students (36%) has been involved in a physical fight with another student, and almost one in three (32.4%) has been physically attacked at least once in 2018. 

Ten things we should never forget about rape

The case of Alexis Georgoulis, a member of the European Parliament for SYRIZA who resigned after an investigation into alleged sexual abuse, brought back familiar stereotypes about rape, which many of us hoped had been put to rest by now. But since repetition is the only way to deconstruct these cliches and disconnected inferences, let's clarify some points again:
