
Woman turns hayloft into local cultural center

A mother of one in the eastern province of Kars has converted the hayloft of her house into a cultural center, exhibiting traditional objects of the region.

The 39-year-old Ebru Akbaba Demir is waiting for all the local tourists who come to the province after a train ride with the Orient Express to visit the "cultural hayloft."

Humor magazines continue to power Turkish pop culture

Celebrating the anniversary of the very first Ottoman satirical magazine ‘Diyojen,’ here’s a look at how such magazines have evolved from intellectual endeavors to antagonistic and sexually explicit voices in Turkey As we celebrate the anniversary of the publication of the very first Ottoman humor magazine, little seems to have changed.

Humor magazines continue to be power Turkish pop culture

Celebrating the anniversary of the very first Ottoman satirical magazine ‘Diyojen,’ here’s a look at how such magazines have evolved from intellectual endeavors to antagonistic and sexually explicit voices in Turkey As we celebrate the anniversary of the publication of the very first Ottoman humor magazine, little seems to have changed.