
An attack on Moscow?

No foreign objects were attached to the drone, the newspaper said, citing an unnamed source. The details of the incident are not clear, Reuters reported.
Yesterday, three drones were found in the Moscow region, not far from where the alleged kamikaze drone crashed, the Russian news agency Tass reported, citing a source from the security forces.

For a ‘sacred’ jersey, for a penalty…

From a purely mechanistic and rather arbitrary point of view, the voting public is the sum total of "the people" who have close or loose ties to political parties of all stripes, plus the unaffiliated, the indifferent, and those who reject politics. Of course, every party and every party leader believes that under their banner they have amassed the genuine and virtuous people.

University walls

For years, there was a paralyzing mentality that, on the one hand, bemoaned the unemployment of young university graduates, while, on the other hand, rejecting any linking of universities with the labor market.

The partnerships that are already developing between Greek universities and businesses are breaking this cobwebbed taboo.

Greece’s new energy challenge

Besides its aging population, Greece's assets are also showing signs of wear and tear. The European Parliament voted this month to impose a carbon tax on both housing and transport, but statistics point to a very serious problem in the deterioration of the quality of property and vehicles in this country.

Türkiye working to diversify renewable energy resources

The Agriculture and Forestry Ministry is working on projects aimed at utilizing geothermal energy resources, particularly in urban agriculture, while officials are looking into ways to boost biomass production in rural areas.

The ministry favors the specialized greenhouse-organized industrial zones based on geothermal heating (TDİOSB) as the more appropriate model.
