
Challenging received wisdom

There are silent truths and there are silent lies. Silent truths are usually so self-evident ("night follows day") that we don't need to articulate them. Lies of silence are more potent. They are easier to tell but more painful when they come to light. We know they are there, but we don't admit it.

The Trump factor

There has been much ado around Greek-Turkish relations. To some extent, this is justified. It is also, to a certain degree, a result of sensationalism and ignorance about the substance of the problem. 

Unfortunately, there is an abundance of both sensationalism and ignorance, which means that the task of dealing with the issue will be extremely difficult for any government. 

SYRIZA and ND dealing with Turkey

During the last few weeks we have been witnessing the incremental execution by Turkey of a well thought-out strategic plan which aims to challenge the status quo in the Aegean and the East Mediterranean in a deliberate way, using claims, so-called evidence, maps drawn in a certain way, invoking treaties and agreements.

Human Rights Commission chief resigns, blasts government

The president of Greece's National Commission for Human Rights (GNCHR), Yorgos Stavropoulos, has submitted a bombshell resignation letter in which he lambastes the government for downgrading the Commission's role and also packing it with five representatives of the LGBTQ community and two members of Roma community in violation of its rules.

For a strong Europe

There is an ongoing discussion over how Europe must finally wake up and take control of its "hard power." The truth is that if it does not do it now that Donald Trump is president of the United States, it probably never will.
