
The hour of reckoning

It is with justified relief that we welcome the hour of reckoning for an extremist element that has tested Greece's institutional reflexes. Still, we must not draw the wrong political conclusions. The beliefs that stoked the attack squads will not disappear overnight because of a court verdict.

True to Kathimerini's history and legacy

Happy new year, everyone! This is a special year for Kathimerini, which celebrates its 100th anniversary since first hitting the stands. It is truly a remarkable occasion. Few things have endured for so long in this country. Kathimerini has, just like Greece, survived through military dictatorships, wars, civil strife and financial crises.

Matic reacts to Belgrade Bar Association initiative

Matic said he regarded the initiative to introduce new criminal act - "with the aim of effectively protecting the presumption of innocence and independence of the court" - as "rather dangerous, as much as it is senseless, given that it is being proposed by the representatives of the legal profession, and as professionals in this field, they should know basic principles of human rights protectio
