
10 US “first” dogs

When the leaders of the Western World had to make a tough decision, usually a public activity with their dog was used to calm citizens down. Here are 10 dogs that had the White House as their playground.

George Washington and the American Foxhound

Books on animal rights

There is one justification, among others, for showing mercy to animals and protecting them:

"They have a mouth but not a tongue."

When they are hungry or sick, if they need care or if they need something else, they explain it to us with different behaviors.

Complicated Calendar

"Nisan" is the word for the month of April in the Turkish language, which is the equivalent of the month of Nisan in the Hebrew calendar. The word has its roots in old Babylonian Assyrian Aramaic language, which is an ancestor of both Arabic and Hebrew. April is about renewal, about the new tastes of the spring, be it eggs or milk, or greens or lamb; it is all about what spring stands for.

Does God punish sinners with disasters?

The tragic accident in a coal mine in Soma, western Turkey, which killed 301 workers deep underground, has led to various discussions in Turkey. Most of these have been on practical issues such as lack of safety, poor technology, and “the culture of negligence,” as I call it. (Why, for example, do most Turkish drivers find bizarre ways to avoid fastening their seatbelts?

Bulgaria Among Popular Passover Destinations for Israeli Tourists

Israeli citizens prefer to spend the Passover festival in Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria, according to Turkish tour operators, Bulgarian National Radio reported.

Turkey is the destination of choice for some 6,300 Israeli citizens celebrating the eight-day festival of Passover, also known as Pesach, beginning on 15 April, Turkish Haberler informed.
