Bosnia and Herzegovina–Serbia relations

Bosnia: Radovan Karadzic’s Conviction Highlights Entrenched Divisions

"He deserved nothing less than life imprisonment," said Nura Alispahic from Srebrenica, whose two sons were killed.

The verdict was also welcomed by Bosniak politicians - but political leaders in the country's Serb-dominated Republika Srpska entity said it proved that the UN court was anti-Serb.

Ratko Mladic's health is deteriorating - Russians are ready to take him over

According to the paper, Russia is ready to offer medical treatment to him and take all necessary security measures, which was discussed at the UN Security Council session, along with the report on the work of The Hague tribunal, said Gennady Kuzmin, Russia's deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office.

Vucic in Krusedol: You got rid of the Serbs - does this make you happy or successful?

"The Serbs have left and it caused tremendous grief and sorrow in the heart of every single Serb. Is Croatia today happier, more successful or wealthier because of it? I have to disappoint you, all of you who glorify and rejoice in the tears of Serbia - the Serbs are not gone. Serbia hadn't vanished", said Vucic from Krusedol.

Bosnian Serb Plan for New Police Force Revives Wartime Fears

There were 400 reservist police officers in Visegrad before the war, and the force was multi-ethnic. However, as the conflict began, 183 more officers were recruited by the Serb-run police station in the town.

A number of them had criminal records, said Huso Kurspahic, the former commander of the police station in Medjedja, near Visegrad.

Sarajevo to Pay €358,000 for War Crime Suspects’ Defence

Vasvija Vidovic, a lawyer who has represented former Bosnian Army soldiers at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the Bosnian state court, argued that defendants find themselves difficult financial situations because trials are long-running and very expensive.
