
NIN Award to Sasa Ilic for the novel "The Dog and the Double Bass"

This year's shortlisted novels include: Milenko Bodirogic "Through the Woods and the Mountains" ("Orfelin"), Slobodan Tisma "The Terror or …" ("The Magic Book"), Steva Grabovac "Mulat albino Mosquito" ("Imprimatur"), Ana Vuckovic "Yugoslavia" ("Partisan Book") and Sasa Ilic's "The Dog and the Double Bass" ("Orfelin").

Firm Linked to Minister’s Father Paid Less for Arms

Documents obtained by BIRN show that the management of the Serbian arms manufacturer Krusik hid key information about deals it agreed with GIM - a private arms intermediary connected to Branko Stefanovic, father of Serbia's Interior Minister, Nebojsa Stefanovic - and with Jugoimport SDPR, a Serbian state-owned intermediary.

Pendarovski Urged to Lead Macedonia Opposition

In his first interview since standing down as SDSM leader a year ago, Branko Crvenkovski said the opposition’s presidential candidate in the April elections should now lead the party out of its current travails.

Pendarovski, who was once a political advisor to Crvenkovski when he was head of state from 2004 to 2009, briefly told NOVA TV he had “no comment”.