
Apple and Broadcom Fined $ 1.1 Billion

A Los Angeles court has ordered Apple and Broadcom to pay $ 1.1 billion to California Tech University for infringing on four Wi-Fi technology patents, AFP reported.

Apple was ordered to pay $ 837 million and Broadcom - $ 270 million, respectively, to the California Institute of Technology, believed to be one of the largest patent infringements in the United States to date.

Is Google Working with a Healthcare Company on a Secret Project to Collect Personal Information from Millions of Americans?

Google, whose parent company is Alphabet, has partnered with a health care company on a secret project to collect the personal health data of millions of Americans from 21 states, Reuters reported, citing a publication in the Wall Street Journal.

Netflix Has already Over 158 Million Subscribers Worldwide

The online video giant Netflix has already got more than 158 million subscribers worldwide, generating more than $ 5 billion in revenue in the third quarter of 2019, France Press reported.

The company's shares have risen with nearly 10 percent in e-commerce since the end of the regular New York Stock Exchange daily session.
