Catholic liturgy

Today is Spasovden!

Тhe Bulgarian Orthodox Church honors today the Ascension of the Lord, also called Spasovden. It is always celebrated on Thursday, the 40th day after the Resurrection of Christ - Easter.

According to the New Testament, 40 days after his resurrection, Jesus Christ remained on earth to preach his study and talk to the apostles.

City starts to empty as Holy Week begins

Stavros Polychronidis, 53, arranges church candles at a factory in Lavrio, near Athens. Monday marked the start of Holy Week, leading to Greek Orthodox Easter on Sunday. With Monday's public holiday coming just before Labor Day on May 1 (Wednesday), a lot of Greek workers have arranged to take time off for vacations, as schools will remain closed until May 6 too.

Catholics and Armenians Цelebrate the Resurrection of Christ

The Catholic and the Armenian Church celebrate on Sunday, April 21, the largest Christian holiday of the Resurrection of Christ.

The discrepancy with the Orthodox Christians, for which Easter is a week later, is due to the different calendar. Orthodox follow the Julian calendar, and the Catholics - the Gregorian.
