Cell biology

Breakthrough Study Reveals How Cells Recycle Lipids

Cells, much like our environment, rely on recycling to maintain their efficiency and functionality. While conducting their everyday tasks, cells produce waste and accumulate damaged components that need to be managed. One of the fundamental mechanisms facilitating this cellular recycling process is autophagy, an ancient system preserved in various animal, plant, and fungal lineages.

Lazar Radkov for the “Caps for the future” Initiative, Greta Thunberg and how to Live Peaceful and Happy Life

"Caps for the future" is a campaign set up by Lazar Radkov and Martina Iordanova in 2017. Their goal is to collect and recycle as much bottle caps as possible in order to buy new baby incubators and donate them in hospitals throughout Bulgaria.

See the interview with Lazar Radkov below: 

How did the idea of ​​"Caps for the future" come up?

Fraud charges brought against 19 execs at stem cell storage firm

An Athens prosecutor has brought criminal charges against 19 executives at a stem cell storage company whose economic collapse has left thousands of families uncertain about the future.

Charges have also been brought against the representatives of a leading healthcare provider which owned the stem cell bank until 2013. The charges include fraud and complicity in fraud.